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  • Registrant : 焼津市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/09/09
  • Published : 2023/09/09
  • Changed :2023/09/09
  • Total View : 166 persons
2023/9/16 - 2023/11/26 / 焼津市 / Other

Special Exhibition: Yaizu and Tokugawa 1 "The Profile of a Rising Star: Images of Ieyasu Explored through Legend and Historical Tale" (Japanese only)

In conjunction with the broadcast of the NHK Taiga Drama "What to do about Ieyasu," a special exhibition on the theme of "Yaizu and the Tokugawa" will be held.

Ieyasu's Footprints in Yaizu
During the Warring States Period, Yaizu City area, called "Yamanishi", was located on the border between Suruga Province and Omi Province, and was the scene of fierce battles between the Imagawa, Takeda and Tokugawa clans. This section introduces the traces of Ieyasu before he became the ruler of Japan, focusing on the old documents remaining in the city.

The Legend of Ieyasu
The legend of Ieyasu in Yaizu City is characterized by the fact that it is often told together with "Ieyasu's defeat. It has been pointed out that the birth and spread of the "legend of Ieyasu's defeat" is related to people engaged in water transportation. This section introduces a number of legends, including the "Legend of Haccho Yagura," which is particularly famous in Yaizu.

Ieyasu Riding through Yaizu
Ieyasu, who became a great lord, resided at Sunpu Castle and frequently visited the Shida area for falconry. This section focuses on the interaction between the "human Ieyasu" and the people of Yaizu before he was later revered as "Tosateru Daigongen".

Ieyasu and Temples and Shrines of Yaizu
Many warlords of the Warring States period strengthened their bases of control by taking in powerful temples and shrines, and Ieyasu also donated company and temple lands. Ieyasu also donated company and temple lands. There are also shrines built in memory of Ieyasu in the city. This section introduces historical documents that show the connection between temples and shrines in the city and Ieyasu.

Venue Yaizu City Museum of History and Folklore Special Exhibition Corner
Address 焼津市
Date 2023/9/16 - 2023/11/26
Time 9:00 minute(s) - 17:00 minute(s)
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